YYCaesarfest 2024
The home of the Caesar presents the most Canadian long weekend plan ever! Join us at the Big Four Building for a weekend of Caesars, craft beer, cider, spirits, food, and a ton of fun!


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Beer for a Cause!

Beer for a Cause!

Soccer Without Boundaries ('SWB') Invites you to help effect change in your community and City. Join us to have a conversation about how SWB impacts the lives of underprivileged youth, Aboriginal youth, immigrant youth and any young Canadians throughout Calgary through soccer. While having a beer with others in the community who support our work, let us share with you our vision of a better and inclusive Calgary by growing our programs.
So come by for a beer on November 21, bring a friend and bring your chequebook! It takes a village and you are an important part of our success and for these youths!

Wild Rose Brewery Ltd (pints and off sales)

Brewery Hours

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