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' + locationCategory + '

' + locationTitle + '

'+ tagline +'
' + locationAddress + '' + locationPhone + '' + locationRevievsCounter + ' Taps' + '
') } function locationDatamini(locationURL,locationCategory,locationImg,locationTitle,locationAddress,locationPhone,locationStarRating,locationRevievsCounter,tagline) { if (locationCategory=="Alcohol In City Parks") { if (locationRevievsCounter !=="0") { console.log("pkbid"); var pkbid= "#" + locationRevievsCounter + " p.bookings"; console.log("pkbid",pkbid); var pv = $(pkbid).html(); } else { console.log("pkbid=00"); } if (pv == "undefined" || pv == undefined || !pv) { pv = "Visit The #YYCParkBeers For Booking Details." } return ('
' + locationCategory + '

' + locationTitle + '

'+ tagline +'
' + locationAddress + '' + pv + '
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' + locationCategory + '

' + locationTitle + '

'+ tagline +'
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' + locationCategory + '

' + locationTitle + '

'+ tagline +'
' + locationAddress + 'Visit Poutine With A Purpose!
') } eventlocations = [ ]; //end events map locations = [ [locationData('/calgary_brewery_profile/24/Common_Crown_Brewing_Co/','Pints,Fills,Cans','/markerbacking.asp?status=3&id=24','Common Crown Brewing Co'," 943 28 St NE ","(587) 356-4275","5","0",""),51.0611523,-113.9940515,0,{ anchor: new google.maps.Point(22,16),url: '/custommarker.asp?id=24&status=3'},'Common Crown Brewing Co',3,51.0611523,-113.9940515,24 ], [locationData('/calgary_brewery_profile/75/SunnyCider/','Cider House','/markerbacking.asp?status=3&id=75','SunnyCider'," 1-3300 14 Avenue NE ","4036069007","5","12","Raising community spirits one glass at a time"),51.0652406,-113.9872035,1,{ anchor: new google.maps.Point(22,16),url: '/custommarker.asp?id=75&status=3'},'SunnyCider',3,51.0652406,-113.9872035,75 ], [locationData('/calgary_brewery_profile/1/Tool_Shed_Brewing_Co/','Fills,Pints,Cans,Merch,Tours','/markerbacking.asp?status=3&id=1','Tool Shed Brewing Co.'," 801 30 St NE ","(403) 775-1749","5","6","We make handcrafted beer,best served with a story!"),51.0596614,-113.9897405,2,{ anchor: new google.maps.Point(22,16),url: '/custommarker.asp?id=1&status=3'},'Tool Shed Brewing Co.',3,51.0596614,-113.9897405,1 ] ]; var cooks = getCookie("yycbeerlastpos"); // console.log(cooks); if (cooks !="") { cooks = cooks.split("_"); var cookz = Number(cooks[2]); var cooklat = Number(cooks[0]); var cooklon = Number(cooks[1]); //if (cooklat > 52 || cooklat < 50) { //cooklat = 51.0228354; //} //if (cooklon < -115 || cooklat > -112) { //cooklon = -114.0536417 //} } else { var cookz = 13; var cooklat = 51.0228354; var cooklon = -114.0536417; } map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-main'),{ zoom: cookz, scrollwheel: true, center: new google.maps.LatLng(cooklat,cooklon), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, zoomControl: false, mapTypeControl: false, scaleControl: false, panControl: false, fullscreenControl: true, navigationControl: false, streetViewControl: false, animation: google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE, gestureHandling: 'greedy', styles: [{ "featureType": "administrative", "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [{ "color": "#444444" }] }] }); dobounds(); map.addListener('center_changed',function() { getsetcookie(); }); map.addListener('zoom_changed',function() { // console.log('Zoom: ' + map.getZoom()); getsetcookie(); var aoms = []; aoms = oms.getMarkers(); for(i = 0 ; i< aoms.length; i++) { //// console.log(oms.getMarkers()); } var zoom = map.getZoom(); for (i = 0; i < minilocs.length; i++) { //markers[i].setVisible(zoom <= 15); if (zoom >= 15) { allMarkersMin[i].setVisible(true); } else { allMarkersMin[i].setVisible(false); } // console.log(zoom); //// console.log(allMarkersMin[i].setVisible()); // console.log(allMarkersMin[i]); } }); // // // // function openAllClusters() { var markers = oms.markersNearAnyOtherMarker(); $.each(markers,function (i,marker) { google.maps.event.trigger(markers[i],'spider_click'); }); setTimeout(openAllClusters,200); } setTimeout(openAllClusters,2000); // // // // var legend = document.createElement('div'); legend.id = 'legend'; var content = []; content.push('

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!!' + locationCategory + '

' + locationTitle + '

'+ tagline +'
' + locationAddress + '' + locationPhone + '
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' + locationTitle + '

'+ tagline +'
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